
Examine the wartime production of the united states during



Directions: Pick 10 of the 15 ID's below and provide a short answer for each.

21st Amendment                          Herman K. Lamm
Clara Bow                                    Soil Conservation Service
Pearl Harbor                                 lebensraum
Teapot Dome Oil Scandal               Kristallnacht
Black Sunday                               Trinity Test
Rosie the Riveter                          Lend-Lease Act
AAGPBL                                       Battle of Coral Sea
Jack Dempsey


Directions: Complete one of the two the essays below, answering the question as completely as possible.

Examine the Dust Bowland its historical significance. How did it start? What kind of "horrors" were created as a result? Finally, what ways and means did the Federal Government use to help bring it to an end?

Examine the wartime production of the United States during World War II. In your essay, pay particular attention to the contributions of women during wartime, and how they were used.


One of the Yankee greats of the 1920s and 30s, this "luckiest man" abruptly retired when it was discovered he had ALS, or the disease that currently bears his name. Who was he?

Created in 1937 by the Hormel Foods Corporation, ___________, made of pork shoulder and ham, fed the Allies during World War II.

Part of Hitler's "Strength Through Joy" program, this "People's Car" helped finance the rebuilding of the German military. What was it called?
Created as the financial arm of the crusade to cure polio, _______ got its name from a popular radio show of the time called the "March of Time".

This was a byproduct of America's efforts to create synthetic rubber for the war effort. Being stretchy, squishy, and oily, it was put in egg-shaped plastic containers, and made its owner $140,000,000 by the time of his death. What was it?

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History: Examine the wartime production of the united states during
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