
Examine the three major types of consequences that result

Part 1: Answer the given questions.

1. The first psychologists were philosophers; however, the field became more sophisticated as scientific approaches were developed.

a. Explain the historical evolution of psychology, tracing its roots from Ancient Greece to the modern day.

b. Identify and describe three of "today's perspectives," and

c. Explain in detail which perspective you think best explains the root of human behavior.

d. How would you implement this research study from start to finish?


Discuss how each one impacts an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors

2. Serotonin

Discuss how each one impacts an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors


Discuss how each one impacts an individual's thoughts, feelings, or behaviors.


4. The activities of the sympathetic nervous system are often referred to as the "fight or flight" response.

1. Discuss an event in your life when your sympathetic nervous system became activated.

2. What changes did you notice to your body?

5. Suppose you were to suffer an accident to the frontal lobe of your brain.

1. Describe what effects you might notice as a result of this accident?

2. Explain the role neuroplasticity would have in your recovery.

Suppose you were to suffer an accident to the frontal lobe of your brain.
Describe what effects you might notice as a result of this accident?

Explain the role neuroplasticity would have in your recovery.


Feldman, R.S., (2015). Essentials of Understanding Psychology, 11th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill

Part 2:

Answer the given questions.

1. Explain the three-system memory theory. Be sure to fully detail each component and highlight features related to each storage system.

2. Memory loss can occur for a variety of reasons. After reading the textbook section titled "Why We Forget," identify and explain four reasons why forgetting takes place.

Part 3: (1500 to 2000 words)

Answer the given questions.

1. Suppose that a new "miracle pill" allows a person to function without sleep. Thus, a person who takes the pill will never sleep-or dream-again. Knowing what you do about the functions of sleep and dreaming, what would be some advantages and drawbacks of such a pill from a personal perspective? Would you take such a pill? Why or why not? Keep in mind that a complete answer should be well-supported; in other words, be sure to apply psychological theories and concepts to answering the question.

2. Explain five sleep disturbances. Based on theories and concepts from Chapter 4 of your text, suggest three strategies you can employ to improve your sleep.

3. Imagine that you are working as a mental health professional. A college student confides in you that he is struggling with alcohol and marijuana addiction. How would you explain to him the difference between psychological and physiological dependence? What information would you explain to him regarding these classes of psychoactive drugs? Be specific.

Part 4: (900 to 1250 words)

Answer the given questions.

1. Examine the three major types of consequences that result from stress: direct physiological effects; harmful behaviors, and indirect-health related behaviors. Discuss a stressor you've encountered and apply it to each consequence. Discuss the current research that links stress to psychoneuroimmunology, and highlight how stress impacts the immune system.

2. Imagine that you were to win the Powerball lottery tomorrow. What type(s) of stress, in your opinion, would diminish because of increased financial resources? What does current research say about whether or not money "buys" happiness? Evaluate these theories: do you agree or disagree with this research? What are the advantages and limitations of these theories? As part of your answer, explain three characteristics related to happy people.

Part 5: (1500 to 2000 words)

Answer the given questions.

1. Three impediments to problem solving are discussed in this module: functional fixedness, mental set, and confirmation bias. Choose one impediment and explain, in detail, how you have utilized and been impacted by this impediment. Discuss three strategies you can employ to counteract the impediment that you chose.

2. Do you think the Internet's influence on people's thinking and intelligence has been more positive or more negative? What about its influence on language development? Explain your answer.

3. While scrolling through your Facebook newsfeed you come across the posting of a close friend who is pregnant. She posts the following status: "Just having a glass of wine to relax...no big deal." What information would you want to convey to her based on your reading about intellectual disabilities?

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Dissertation: Examine the three major types of consequences that result
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