Examine the speaking voices of the individuals

Please examine the speaking voices of the individuals in the following videos and write about the quality of their voices, tone, pace, articulation, intonation, inflection, paralinguistic elements, and whatever points you think are important. 34 pages.

Please save your file as follows: lastname-paper2

John McAfee: “I’m tired of moving”

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqbwBkLyA2M&list=PLJ1wADVEZ_zqBeuJ 7hbT6Nh3vXyvj58Fx

Hope Solo: “Hope Solo Addresses Domestic Violence Assault Allegations, Soccer Suspension”


Mark Pincus: “Advice For Entrepreneurs”


Scott Forstall: “Scott Forstall Unveils “In-app Purchases” at iPhone OS 3.0 Preview Event”


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