
Examine the sample syllabus provided when reviewing the


College students require a unique approach to education. You will examine the sample syllabus provided. When reviewing the syllabus, pay particularly close attention to the following areas:

• Assignment diversity

• Assignment difficulty

• Clarity of the assignment parameters

• Point distribution

• Cohesiveness of assignments

• Assignment relevancy to stated outcomes

• Assignment relevancy to course description

• Practical application components

Part 1 -Based upon the knowledge you have acquired in this course thus far, determine and summarize if the syllabus meets the needs of college students.

Part 2 - After you have analyzed the sample syllabus, you must suggest at least 5 research-based strategies for improvement. Additionally, modify the sample syllabus, using track changes, to incorporate your suggested strategies.

Part 3 - In 300 words, share how the information that you learned from this syllabi critique can be applied appropriately and with insight for future use.

Part 4 - Include the modified sample syllabus as Appendix A of your paper.



This course provides an overview of international financial markets and how they operate and interrelate. The structure, characteristics, and issues for markets in the Americas, Europe, Africa/Middle East, and Asia/Pacific will be identified.


This course explores the view that the world is moving towards a single global market and provides a broad and balanced introduction to financial markets across the world. Within this context, the course culminates in providing the student with skills for examining how an international business can raise capital to fund projects in a foreign market of its choice.




American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association. (current ed.). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Molyneux, V. (2000). An introduction to global financial markets (4th ed.). New York, NY: Palgrave McMillan. ISBN: 9780230243095.


A. Computer with basic audio/video output equipment

B. Internet access (broadband recommended)

C. Microsoft Word


Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

A. Compare the roles of central, commercial, and investment banks.

B. Evaluate securities markets, money, bonds, stock exchanges, hedge funds, and private equity.

C. Appraise the effectiveness of the foreign exchange, European economic and monetary union, and derivative products.

D. Examine the New Tiger Economies and key trends in global financial markets.

E. Integrate biblical principles within the field of global financial markets.


A. Textbook readings

B. Discussion Board Forums (4)

Each Discussion Board Forum in this course allows the student an opportunity to apply what they have learned from the Reading & Study.

There are 3 parts to each Discussion Board Forum. Each Discussion Board is a unified assignment and all 3 parts must be posted in order to earn credit. The first part is the key topic submission. The second part is the Discussion Board thread which must be at least 200 words in length, citing 5 recent scholarly articles. The third part is the replies. The student must reply to at least 2 of his/her classmates.

C. Annotated Bibliography

The student will complete an Annotated Bibliography to be used for the Literature Review. There should be at least 12 annotations which are at least 150 words each.

D. Faith and Learning Assessment

By Module/Week 6, the student will be assigned to a group. A minimum 1000-word essay will be worked on as a group in the Group

Discussion Board and then posted to the Discussion Board for everyone to see. Replies are not necessary; however, they are strongly encouraged. The student must briefly describe how the Bible is related to the topics covered in the course.

An integration of the Bible must be explicitly shown in relation to a course topic in order to receive points. In addition, at least 2 other outside scholarly sources (the text may count as 1) should be used to substantiate the group's position. This assignment must be submitted to SafeAssign, in addition to the Discussion Board post.

E. Literature Review

The student will write a Literature Review on a topic relevant to the course. The paper will be a comprehensive thematic review of the scholarly literature related to the selected topic.

The paper must be written in strict conformance to current APA format and contain at least 16 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 12 scholarly references. The assignment must be submitted through SafeAssign.

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Dissertation: Examine the sample syllabus provided when reviewing the
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