
Examine the role of court administrators with ensuring that

Each essay question is to be between 500-700 words - excluding direct quotes. You are to provide at least 3 references other than your readings to support each response. These references are to be in APA format. Corresponding citations should be included in your response to document/support the facts you provide. This assignment must be Plagiarism free.

Question 1 : Courts are the segment of the criminal justice system responsible for imposing sentences on convicted offenders. Unless otherwise required as part of a mandatory sentencing structure, courts will often have a variety of alternatives when imposing punishment.

Compose an essay of 500 - 700 words that examines the role of court administrators with ensuring that the appropriate punishment is imposed when sentencing alternatives exist. For the purposes of this question the term "court administrators" is defined as judges and prosecutors. As part of your response provide examples of factors that must be considered when determining the appropriate sentence for an offender.

Directly quoted material may be used, but will not count towards the minimum word count. Be sure to support your response with cited scholarly resources as required by APA. A minimum of three (3) resources in addition to the course textbook must be used when composing your response.

Question 2 : The correctional system has the responsibility of supervising offenders sentenced for crimes. This includes both incarcerated offenders, as well as offenders serving sentences in the community. As prison overcrowding has increased, the use of alternative punishments has become more popular as a means for reducing incarceration populations.

Compose an essay of 500 - 700 words that examines the importance of alternatives to incarceration as a means for controlling prison populations. As part of your response discuss the impact that alternative programs has had on the administration of correctional agencies from the perspective of both prisons and community programs.

Directly quoted material may be used, but will not count towards the minimum word count. Be sure to support your response with cited scholarly resources as required by APA. A minimum of three (3) resources in addition to the course textbook must be used when composing your response.

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Dissertation: Examine the role of court administrators with ensuring that
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