
Examine the revenues and expenditures of federal government


The paper is to be an examination of the revenues and expenditures of the federal government of the United States. The paper should begin by comparing the current U.S. budget with the budget as it has changed since 1960. As a part of your paper assignment, you must include tables, charts, and/or other comparisons of the government budgets over the years. After examining the budget's evolution, your paper should then recommend any changes to the budget you think would be appropriate.

Your recommendations may include the entire budget, or may single out particular budgetary items to examine in more detail. Recommendations should be justified by basing them on economic theory, using the textbook and/or other sources, and referenced as such.

There are many sources of data, including the Statistical Abstract of the United States (which ceased publication in 2011), www.usgovernmentspending.com, Office of Management and Budget (www.whitehouse.gov/omb/budget),, the Congressional Budget Office (www.cbo.gov), and The Eonomic Report of the President (which is available on-line; data in the Appendix). Any material you obtain from outside sources should be referenced in an appropriate manner, and your paper should have a list of references at the end. Any material quoted directly from your references should be enclosed in quotation marks and referenced.

The paper should be typed, double-spaced, and the text of the paper should be about 20 pages in length.

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Microeconomics: Examine the revenues and expenditures of federal government
Reference No:- TGS02014272

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