
Examine the results of the ldquoadaptive leadership

Examine the results of the “Adaptive Leadership Questionnaire” you completed, and revisit your picture of leadership presented in the first discussion question in the course. What do the results of the questionnaire tell you about your adaptive leadership style? Explain. How does adaptive leadership appear in your picture of leadership? Explain. Key: 1= Strongly disagree; 2= Disagree; 3= Neutral; 4= Agree; 5= Strongly agree 1. Articulate: Communicates effectively with others (5) 2. Perceptive: Is discerning and insightful (5) 3. Self-confident: Believes in himself/her/self and his/her ability (5) 4. Self-assured: Is secure with self, free of doubts (3) 5. Persistent: Stays fixed on the goals, despite interference (5) 6. Determined: Takes a firm stand, acts with certainty (5) 7. Trustworthy: Is authentic and inspires confidence (5) 8. Dependable: Is consistent and reliable (5) 9. Friendly: Shows kindness and warmth (5) 10. Outgoing: Talks freely, gets along well with others (5) 11. Conscientious: Is thorough, organized, and controlled (3) 12. Diligent: Is persistent, hardworking (5) 13. Sensitive: Show tolerance, is tactful and sympathetic (5) 14. Empathic: Understands others, identifies with others (5)

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Operation Management: Examine the results of the ldquoadaptive leadership
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