Part 1
Examine the pseudocode sample provided, and explain what it does line by line.
Description: This logic applies a discount on an item unless the discounted price is less than the whole sale price
Program: applyDiscount
Create variable productPrice as double
Create variable discount as double
Create variable wholesalePrice as double
Create variable discountedPrice as double
productPrice = get value from user input
discount = get value from user input
wholesalePrice = get value from user input
discountedPrice = productPrice * (1 - discount)
if (discountedPrice
discountedPrice = wholesalePrice
end if
Display discountedPrice
End program
Part 2
Present a solution using pseudocode similar to what you saw in part 1 to identify the logic needed to select a payment option and get payment details.
Declare all variables and their data types.
Display two options for the user to select from:
Electronic check with routing number and account number
Credit card with account number, expiration date and CVV code
Capture the payment option that the user selects.
Check the selected option using a decision-making statement and provide the corresponding statements to capture the payment information based on the selection.