
Examine the practices from your selected case study that

For this assignment, you will select one case

You will propose how the particular health information system used in your selected case would be applicable in a health care organization of your choice.

Refer to your chosen organization as "[ABC] Health Care." You will use a proposal form provided here to complete this assignment.

• Evaluate the needs that are present within your selected case study as it applies to your "ABC Health Care" organization.

• Examine the practices from your selected case study that confirm or contradict that data is complete, accurate, consistent, timely, secure, and fit for use.

• Compare and contrast the different types of data and information generated by the health care organization in your case.

• Must be two double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style.

• Must include a separate title page with the following:

o Title of Proposal

o Student's name

o Course name and number

o Instructor's name

o Date submitted

• Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.

• Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.

• Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.

• Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text

Course Reference

Wager, K. A., Lee, F. W., & Glaser, J. P. (2017). Health care information systems: A practical approach for health care management (4th ed.). Case 16: The Admitting System Crashes

Jones Regional Medical Center is a large academic health center. With nine hundred beds, Jones had forty-seven thousand admissionslast year. Jones frequently has occupancy in excess of 100 percent, requiring diversion of ambulances. In addition, Jones had 1,300,000ambulatory and emergency room visits in the past three years.

Jones is internationally renowned for its research and teaching programs. The IT staff members at Jones are highly regarded. Theysupport more than three hundred applications and twelve thousand workstations.

The admitting system at Jones is provided by the vendor Technology Med (TechMed). The TechMed system supports the master patientindex; registration; inpatient charge and payment entry; medical records abstracting and coding; hospital billing and patient accounting;reporting; and admission, discharge, and transfer capabilities.

The TechMed system was implemented twelve years ago and uses now-obsolete technology, including a rudimentary databasemanagement system. The organization is concerned about the fragility of the application and has begun plans to replace the TechMedsystem two years from now.

Information Systems Challenge

On December 20, the link between the main data center (where the TechMed servers were housed) and the disaster recovery center wastaken down to conduct performance testing.

On December 21, power was lost to the disaster recovery center, but emergency power was instantly put in place. However, as aprecaution, a backup of the TechMed database was performed.

During the afternoon of December 21, the TechMed system became sluggish and then unresponsive. Database corruption wasdiscovered.

The backup performed earlier in the day was also corrupt. The link to the disaster recovery data center had not beenrestored following the performance testing.

Because there was no viable backup copy of the database, the Jones IT and hospital staff members began the arduous process of a fulldatabase recovery from journaled transactions. This process was completed the evening of December 22.

The loss of the TechMed system for more than thirty-six hours and the failure during that time of registration transactions to updatepatient care and ancillary department systems resulted in a wide variety of operational problems. The patient census had to bemaintained manually. Reports of results were delayed. Paper orders were needed for patients who were admitted on December 21 and22. Charge collection lagged.

Once the TechMed system was restored, additional hospital staff members were brought in to enter, into multiple systems, the data thathad been manually captured during the outage. By December 25, normal hospital operations were restored. No patient care incidentsare believed to have resulted.

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Operation Management: Examine the practices from your selected case study that
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