1. Health Behavior Journal
For approximately one week, students will have the opportunity to attempt to examine and possibly improve (or maintain) nutritional habits and exercise/activity levels. For 5 days, keep track (on computer document) of your nutrition intake (food choices) AND physical activity (walking, dancing, stretching). You do not need to keep track of caloric intake for this assignment. Research shows it takes 3-4 months of consistent practice to make a behavior change stay. The mere act of attempting a health behavior change makes you a success!
*Note: If you have medical concerns, best to check with your physician prior to starting a health behavior change. This is not about a diet, but rather, improving your nutritional intake and daily activity.
Format: Please use this format. You should have at least ONE entry per day for 1 week, 5 entries. This assignment (all parts-responses, journal log/entries, summary) are to be typed, 12 fonts. Single space each response, and double space between questions.
• Time Frame: For 5 days: Start date-anytime from February 1st up to the due date of Saturday, May 1, 2021.
• Submit: Respond to questions 1-4 below using the number format, then your response(this comes out to be approximately 2 pages), AND, Journal Entries, AND question 6 which is a 2-page summary of your overall experience. Approximate total number of pages with all components for this assignment is 5 to 7 pages maximum.
1. Your First, Last Name and CWID
2. Respond to prompt: By keeping track of your nutrition intake and activity levels, what will improve for you?
3. Respond to prompt: What is stopping you at this moment from fueling your body, mind, with the right foods and exercise?
a. Belief? Personal Values?
b. Emotional Habit?
c. Other?
4. Respond to prompt: What is the negative emotion that comes up when you think about tracking your food/activity?
5. Add your journal log entries here about your nutrition and physical activity.
Note: Journal should have at least ONE entry per day. An entry can be a paragraph, a page, or several pages depending on how you manage your behavior plans. The goal is to show you are attempting, each day, to work on improving your overall health and well being. Please use an organized format, make it clear to decipher your progress. Be sure to include your actual entry dates/feelings/thoughts/emotions around the behavior change.
Example of a Journal Log Sheet. Describe what you worked on; and, make log your emotions/thoughts/feelings for that date regarding the behavior attempt.
Day 1- Date (2/1/2021). Today was a good start. I ate....I exercised....I felt....
Day 2- Date (2/3/2021). Today was a difficult day because...
Day 3- Date..... etc
Day 4, was a better day,
Day 5 Date...I had a great day.
6. Question summary response goes here. After you have attempted your behavior change for 5 to 7 days, SUMMARIZE, in approximately 2 pages maximum your attempt. Speak to the challenges, your attitude towards this change, and if you will try to continue with your behavior change, any insight about yourself in trying to improve your overall health.