
Examine the possible sources of that fear its effects or

A. Double space all pages. If writing by hand, write on every other line only. Write on only one side of the page. Use black or blue ink or DARKpencil and write legibly if writing by hand.

B. Students MUST select a topic from the approved topic list. If students do not write on topic, the student will receive a 0 and will (at the instructor's discretion) fail the course.

C. Student can bring a one-page outline to the exit essay. This is a sentence-level or topic-level outline only, and this pre-writing must be attached to the final document. It is up to the individual teacher whether or not students can use front and back.

One suggestion is to allow students a printed copy of the topics page and then write on the back of that page. Again, that is at the discretion of the individual instructor. Students who bring an extensive draft will receive a 0 on the exam and will fail ENG 101. Notes can be typed or handwritten.

D. Students MUST refer to at least one article in this essay. This reference can come in the form of a quote, summary, or paraphrase. It MUST be properly documented in the essay.

This article must be retrieved from either EBSCOhost or Proquest databases. Students are allowed to reference up to three articles in the essay.

Any articles cited in the paper MUST come from one of the two approved databases. All articles cited in the paper must be referenced in a properly formatted MLA Works Cited page. Any essays that include plagiarized statements will automatically receive a 0 on the exam and will fail ENG 101.

E. A correctly formatted MLA Works Cited page must be attached to the essay. This Works Cited page can include up to three sources. All sources used MUST be retrieved from the assigned databases. It is recommended that students use the citation feature in the database.

F. Students must bring printed copies of their articles (up to three) with them to the Exit Essay exam. Articles cannot contain notes. However, all quotes or paraphrased passages used must be highlighted. Students should staple the citation page to the article. Students will be required to turn in the article along with the outline and the essay.

G. ONLINE STUDENTS will follow guidelines provided by the instructor related to turning in the copy of the articles.

H. A minimum of five well-developed paragraphs is expected. This essay is typically two to four pages (around 600 to 800 words) in length when typed and double spaced.

I. Number all pages in the upper right corner.

J. Pages after page one should be numbered with the student's last name and page number (example: Jones 4)

K. First or second person points of view are highly discouraged and will result in a large deduction from the final essay score. Essays should be in third person only.

L. Heading on the first page should include the following: student's name, date, name of course, and instructor's name.

M. Essays must have a title.

N. If essay is typed, students must use Times New Roman size 12 font only.

All instructors must adhere to these guidelines. Mandatory deductions will be taken for papers not formatted properly.

The Topic I have chosen to be written is :

1. For some students, fear of failing is a major source of stress. In a well-developed essay, explain it to college professors. Examine the possible sources of that fear, its effects or symptoms, and the solutions that college faculty might encourage students to implement in the classroom.

The instructions say you will have to get at least 3 articles with MLA citations. These will be found in the on the school elibrary. First you will need to go to the school website which is west Kentucky community and technical college.

At the top there will be a list of links, click the blackboard link. It will then ask for username and password enter these details.

Granted access click the eLibrary link which will give a list of database click the west Kentucky community and technical college link. It will then take you to the search bar under database A-Z where you should type EBSCOhost or eBook Central (ProQuest). Which ever you choose to use it will ask for login details.Then you can search for articels to use fro the paper..

I would preferre only TWO articles with the according citations on a fresh page.. Once again please go through the requirements and instructions CAREFULLY as my professor is VERY particular.

If there is any issue please let me know in good time. I only need One page with a minimum of five well-developed paragraphs (the intro, the body [explain it to college professors. Examine the possible sources of that fear, its effects or symptoms, and the solutions that college faculty might encourage students to implement in the classroom.] and the conclusion).

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Dissertation: Examine the possible sources of that fear its effects or
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