
Examine the positive and negative ramifications of marketing


Counterfeit Products" Please respond to the following:

• From the first e-Activity, determine a more effective measure to capture counterfeit goods: 1) the carrot-and-stick approach; or 2) increasing border patrol while using a technological approach. Support your position.

• From the first e-Activity, analyze consumer behavior and the purchasing of counterfeit goods internationally and here in the U.S. Examine how our free-market system contributes to the consumer behavior problem.

"International Social Media" Please respond to the following:

• From the second e-Activity, determine what it would take to measure and monitor success in your social campaigns. Propose ways to measure return on investment (ROI) in social media. Recommend at least two measurement tools you should use while creating an international advertising campaign.

• Examine the positive and negative ramifications of marketing with social media for developing nations. Determine whether or not these developing nations' lack of resources and inability to create social media campaigns will widen the gap between them and developed countries.

Class, what type of social media do you use most and why - Facebook? LinkedIn? Twitter? YouTube?


Video Source: customsborderprotect. (2012, March 7). CBP Video: Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement 2012 [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmyQ_gYAdD4&feature=share&list=UUVRj-aUsXBrlM8elk3zmLvw

• When planning an international advertising campaign, social media plays an important role. Use the Internet to research social media platforms and determine what is available for planning an international advertising campaign and ways to measure the success and reach of said campaign. Be prepared to dicuss.

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Marketing Management: Examine the positive and negative ramifications of marketing
Reference No:- TGS01782105

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