
Examine the organization based on the concepts and theories

Question: Examine the organization based on the concepts and theories learned in class including the following:

strategic leadership, Company's business model, SWOT analysis, Development of Competencies, Competitive Advantage, Competitive Advantage at the Functional Level, Competitive Advantage at Business Level, Strategy at Industry Level, and Application of Michael Porter's Model to the Company.

The deliverable for this assignment must be an APA 10-paged double-spaced paper. Pages do not include the title page and the reference list. Articles in the reference list must match the in-text citations.

Overview: These guidelines are intended to help you in the thesis/project process. Given that a thesis/project is an individual piece of work there is no intention unduly to restrict you in your approach. This document presents guidelines to support your work, therefore, and is not a set of absolute rules or procedures to which you must adhere. You will talk in more detail about your own project with your thesis/project supervisor.

In general, thesis/projects vary in style and approach according to your program of study. The following represent some core principles that differentiate a thesis from a practical project:

• Thesis: You undertake a thorough review of literature and of current knowledge and test the theoretical base for your work in some way in some practical situation. You typically present some hypothesis and test them for validity through some hands-on experiments, surveys or other instruments. The objective is to help the research community.

• Practical Project: You undertake a thorough investigation of a topic (e.g., use of mobile devices in healthcare) and develop deep understanding of the practical aspects and real life applications/implications of the field. You may develop prototypes or insightful reports that are of value to practitioners. The objective is to help the practitioner community.

The primary goal of the thesis/project is to allow you to enrich your knowledge and integrate your academic study with the analysis of related practical or theoretical work. The results produced should be publishable in a conference paper after minor additional work. This is not a requirement, just a desirable goal.

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Marketing Management: Examine the organization based on the concepts and theories
Reference No:- TGS02691058

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