
Examine the microeconomic theories of marginal analysis


Catalog Description

This course examines the principles of microeconomics by focusing on how to manage effectively in the context of customers, suppliers, competitors, and the regulatory environment. The course examines the microeconomic theories of marginal analysis and competitive analysis. Further, the course develops the principles of cost, strategy, and organizational analysis. Microeconomics will be used to demonstrate how managers evaluate both the internal structure and incentives within a firm, as well as the competitive forces external of the firm. Emphasis will be placed on the 2008-2009 financial crisis that has resulted in a deep world- wide economic recession.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course, students will be able to:

• Identify and apply relevant terminology and concepts to economic issues and problems.

• Analyze and synthesize short-run and long run models of microeconomic and macroeconomic activity.

• Analyze government economic policy tools and their impact on the economy.

• Compare and contrast various economic theories.

• Demonstrate how economics drives management decisions in for profit and not for profit firms.

Teaching / Learning Strategies

• All written assignments must be uploaded to the specific assignment link on Canvas.

• The instructor may reduce the grade by 5 points per each day that the assignments are late.

• All teaching notes, materials and assignments will be posted prior to the start of the academic week. Individual assignment grades and comments will be sent to each student during the following academic week. Grammar, punctuation, and format, and content are important, and I will be grading with those elements in mind in addition to the applicable content.

• Please make sure that all written assignments are completed using proper academic format. Number all pages and do not include unnecessary clip art, charts, or exhibits. Be sure to include your name on the assignment. All sources of information must be properly referenced and cited. Use 12-point font (Times New Roman). Use standard margins and double-space all work. Indent new paragraphs. Make sure that you name is on all documents. Use APA (https://www.apa.org) format on references and in-text citations.

Required Readings

All readings, primary and supplementary, will be identified by the instructor and posted on Canvas.

There are three,5 page ‘economics briefs' due in this class. Each must have at least12professional / academic references and related in-text citations.Use EBSCO or a similar online database from the Endicott College library, not just the web. These briefs are short research papers on a specific topic. Assume the reader is unfamiliar with the subject matter and use a 360- degree approach to the subject. Cite (APA) often. Strength of references is critical. Keep references current (<18 months old).

• Brief 1: The Current State of the Global Economy (organize around continents or global regions; be sure to include emerging economies)

• Brief 2: Labor Unions in the Contemporary U.S. Economy (focus on current labor and employmentissuesand not the history of unions)

• Brief 3: An Overview of the Economy of New England (organize by the 6 New England states; keep it balanced and include relevant data)

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Microeconomics: Examine the microeconomic theories of marginal analysis
Reference No:- TGS02982318

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