
Examine the manner in which you share information use

Personal Information Report (final paper) Outline

Your final report in this class should highlight your understanding of the course material, readings and discussions (citing all information and material).

The goal is to

1) examine the manner in which you share information, use information and store information online and

2) analyze that behavior using the concepts and theories from the course material, readings and discussions and

3) show your improved written communication skills.

CONSIDER the information you provide to third parties - either willfully or in ways you may not overtly realize, but have come to understand (3rd party sharing etc.)

DEVELOP A WAY TO DEPICT AND ORGANIZE the information you provide online in your own framework (i.e. search engines, email, e-commerce, social networking, information platforms...or financial information, social information, health information...) Think of this as a way to separate the information you provide online - you may depict it in a manner you see fit.

You can use an infographic, a table, an image, a graph...anything that allows you to conceptualize all of the information you provide online (you can also compare it to information you provide offline).

ANALYZE the depiction and content of the information you provide by using course material, readings, discussions and other sources of information. How would you characterize the information you provide? How do you expect the information to be utilized by the organization or individual(s)? How might the information be used unexpectedly?

DETERMINE THE VALUE of the information you describe and depict. If I were to offer to buy all of this information, would you sell it to me and if so, for how much (dollars, trade)? If you would not sell the information or only sell a part of it, explain why.

What kind of CONTROL would you like over your information and how will that benefit you and/or others? EXPLAIN how valuable this control is to you and others (does it relate to trust?).

SHOW your understanding of course material and your written skills in a clear, organized, and developed analysis paper.

Attachment:- Social media.rar

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Marketing Research: Examine the manner in which you share information use
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