
Examine the levines test for equality of variance state the

MKTG 324 Marketing Research & Analysis SPSS Assignment 1-

View:  SPSS Results Coach and Case Studies Video (This one is very useful).

View: Genie in the Bottle: Statistics Coach (Also extremely useful)

View: Assessing Differences in Means for Two Groups (independent)

View: Assessing Differences in Means for Two Groups (paired)

View: Applying ANOVA (Analysis of Variance)

CASE ASSIGNMENT: Refer to Auto Online Web Site Usage Survey

Answer the following questions

1. Open the AutoOnline data set in SPSS and conduct an independent samples t-test using the group "sex" [code the range on "sex" as 1 and 2] and testing differences in their responses to the variable "positive (experience)" in question #6 in the questionnaire (see page 454<4e> or 448<5e> in text).  Print and interpret the results in the following steps.

A. Examine the Levine's test for equality of variance.

a. State the null (Ho) and alternate (Ha) hypotheses for Levine's test. 

b. Using the Levine's test results, circle the significance for the test for that hypothesis, and make decision on either rejecting or accepting the Ho.  

c. Conclusion

B. Examine the means t-test for equality of means.  

a. State the null (Ho) and alternate (Ha) hypotheses for the comparison of means t-test. 

b. Using the means t-test results, circle the significance for the test for that hypothesis, and make decision on either rejecting or accepting the Ho.  

c. Conclusion

2. When do you use a paired samples t-test?

3. Open the AutoOnline data set in SPSS and conduct a paired samples t-test using the variables: helpful (I found the Website was helpful in my purchase) and "easyuse" (the website was easy to use). Print and interpret the results in the following steps.

A. State the null (Ho) and alternate (Ha) hypotheses for your test for the paired comparison of two means.

B. Using the paired sample t-test results, circle the significance for the test for that hypothesis on the output, and make decision on either rejecting or accepting the Ho. 

C. Conclusion.

4. Conduct a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using the AutoOnline data with "income" as the factor variable and "hassle" as the dependent variable.  Specify the Duncan test as the "Post Hoc" analysis procedure. Print out and interpret the results in the following steps.

A. State the null and alternate hypotheses for your ANOVA test for the comparison of multiple group means.

B. Using the ANOVA test results, circle the significance for the test for that hypothesis on the output, and make decision on either rejecting or accepting the Ho. 

C. Conclusion.

D. Refer to the Duncan test.  Interpret the results that appear in that table, i.e., which means are different from each other.

MKTG 324 Marketing Research & Analysis SPSS Assignment 2-                                                               

VERY KEY INFORMATION: Specify your data as "numeric" in the SPSS program.  If you specify it as string, the analysis will not work. (Note: String data contains alphabetic characters.)


View:  Setting up and Analyzing Crosstabs

Watch the ScreenCam and answer the following questions:

Using the AutoOnline data set, conduct a cross-tab test, and analyze the relationship between "highest level of education" and "I found website was very helpful in my purchase." in the following steps: (Check "Chi Square" in "Statistics" and specify row, column, & total for the cells.) 

1. State the null and alternate hypotheses for this test.

2. Using the results of the Chi Square analysis to make decision on either rejecting or accepting the Ho.  Circle the results on the printout.

3. Conclusion

4. Circle the cell in the table for "undergraduate degree" and "agree". Explain (interpret), in order from top to bottom, all four values in that cell.

View:  Working with Correlations

Using the AutoOnline data set, conduct a correlate (bivariate) test, and analyze the correlation between "safeweb" and "likenet" in the following steps.

1. State the null and alternative hypothesis for the correlation analysis.

2. Using the correlation test results to make decision on either rejecting or accepting the Ho. 

3. Conclusion

4. Explain (interpret), from top to bottom, each value in the top right hand cell in the table.

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Basic Statistics: Examine the levines test for equality of variance state the
Reference No:- TGS01571586

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