Examine the leadership styles that you have used in the

Complete a detailed research paper by answering the following questions and include an eight to ten page paper with at least eight sources, seven peer reviewed sources found in the Potomac Library, and your course text book.

All sources must be properly cited and referenced. Assignment must be APA compliance.

What leadership models are most effective in today's organizations and why?

Examine the leadership styles that you have used in the past. Give specific examples of different situations where you used different styles.

Analysis how effective you were as a leader in each situation and suggest ways you could have improved your performance based on the knowledge you have gained in this course.

Identify and describe the leader you want to become.

How will you transform yourself into the leader you want to become?

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Management Information Sys: Examine the leadership styles that you have used in the
Reference No:- TGS02824590

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