
Examine the initial set of questions posed by watson

Assignment- Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) using Watson Analytics

This is an individual assignment. Each student will complete the assignment outlined below and post his/her written results to the appropriate assignment. Please note that only 1 document is allowed to be submitted. See content on p.2.


1. Select from the dataset provided (or ones designated by your instructor). Provide a brief description of the datasets to include the number of cases, description of the inputs, description of the variables that could be used to develop predictive models, etc.

2. Examine the dataset and eliminate mistakes, bad records, data entry errors, and outliers.

Using Watson Analytics:

3. Explore the dataset, including:

a) Examine the initial set of questions posed by Watson Analytics. Provide any insights gained from this initial dataset.

b) Develop new specific questions which provide additional insights into and answer specific questions from the dataset. Discuss how these insights could be useful. Did Watson Analytics provide the answers necessary? Discuss how you would improve the relevancy.

c) Experiment with the available filters and visualization options at the bottom of the screen and summarize the results. Create and explain at least one insightful global and one local filter for your dataset.

d) Create and explain at least one insightful calculation. Discuss why this would be useful.

4. Refine the dataset.

a) Which variables have the highest quality score? Which ones have the lowest quality score and why? Discuss how the quality of the dataset could be improved.

b) Utilize the available grouping, filtering and hierarchical functionalities to refine the data. Summarize the approach you took and the outcome. What suggestions or insights are gained?


Each student will submit a single document conforming to the guidelines and standards outlined below.

Document format:

- limited to 5 pages (excludingtitle page, references, and appendix),
- Double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font, 1" margins, Bottom-right page numbering.

Note: Submitted report must be either in MS Word or PDF format and titled:


Only one document will be allowed to submit.

Content(note that the document must have clearly marked sections for the items listed below)

1) Title page (1 page limit): course number and term, assignment number and project title, student name and contact information, instructor's name. Format it so it looks pleasant and presentable. Follow formatting guidelines above.

2) Introduction. Provide a brief outline of the dataset you are using for this assignment. Briefly explain the content of the data. Include a screenshot of the data (not all, but partial as far as all relevant variables are visible).

3) Discuss the data exploration process followed and the results. Include any specific ideas or suggestions as to how this could be used in your organization.

4) Discuss the data refinement process followed and the results.

5) References (1 page limit): List all references in APA format used in preparing this report. It is strongly recommended to use outside knowledge in setting-up the analysis or discussing the results where possible.

6) Appendix (4 page limit):

a) Appendix A: Include any appropriate workbooks and/or screenshots (figures, tables, diagrams) used in this assignment. Make sure all tables, figures, or diagrams are properly numbered and titled. For example, "Table 1. Model Results". Make sure all tables or figures or diagrams are easily readable and visually presentable.


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Applied Statistics: Examine the initial set of questions posed by watson
Reference No:- TGS01475355

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