Examine the impact of stigma on mental health consumers

Task: Aim of the Assessment:

The aim of this assessment is to assess students' critical reflection on issues of stigma related to mental health and to explore how stigma may impact on the lives of people with lived experience and their families. This encourages students to explore the role of mental health nurses in consumers' recovery and their ethical, legal and professional responsibilities.

Subject Learning Outcomes:

The Subject Learning Outcomes (SLO) for this assessment covers 1, 2 and 4:

1. Critically reflect on the application of appropriate knowledge, skills, and attitudes in mental health nursing integrating knowledge of safety and quality standards

2. Deliberate ethical, legal and professional issues that may influence the therapeutic relationship with mental health consumers, carers, and significant others

4. Advocate supporting the rights of mental health consumers to lead their treatment and recovery process, and the rights of carers and significant others with the consumer's consent, to collaborate in the treatment and recovery process

Task: -

Watch the video titled "Stigma and Mental Illness", and use the link below to access it.

Choose one (1) of the following to:

- Critically reflect on issues of stigma raised in the video using your knowledge, skills, and attitudes as a nurse

- Examine the impact of stigma on mental health consumers

- Discuss the importance of developing a therapeutic relationship with mental health consumers and how to advocate their rights in relation to stigma and discrimination

- Describe your role as a nurse in changing societal attitudes towards people with mental illness and reducing stigma, and how this can facilitate consumers' recovery and a sense of well-being.

- Identify the ethical/legal/professional issues arising from this video

The length of this task includes watching a 10 minutes video viewing plus written work based on one of the issues identified from the video, which are listed above. You need to be critical in your exploration of the above issues.

This is not an essay so do not include an introduction or conclusion.

Referencing and in-text citations:

The APA (7th) referencing style is used correctly for both in-text citations and reference list.

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Other Subject: Examine the impact of stigma on mental health consumers
Reference No:- TGS03379322

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