Examine the impact of and responses to globalised big

Write an essay on the following topic: The impact of and responses to globalised ‘Big Business' on national and regional cultures

Write your essay by addressing the FOUR following tasks:

1. Literature Review. This will focus on a summary of the VIEWS presented by at least three sources. These writers' views should consider / examine the impact of and responses to globalised Big Business on national and regional cultures.

2. Describe and explain THREE forms or types of impact that Big Business has had on culture, be it national or regional. This impact will be seen as negative. Show how this impact is evident or demonstrated. Support your response with reference to relevant and appropriate sources. At least two sources must be used.

3. Identify and analyse THREE responses or approaches that can be used by businesses to overcome or deal with these forms of impact. Support your response with reference to relevant and appropriate sources. At least two sources must be used.

4. Using TWO of the organizations provided in the list, compare TWO AUSTRALIAN businesses that have developed and applied successful marketing strategies or responses in dealing with national or regional culture.

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Business Law and Ethics: Examine the impact of and responses to globalised big
Reference No:- TGS01105426

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