
Examine the history of any past present or projected future

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Question: Examine the history of any past, present, or projected future international terrorism event of your choice. The event must have ties to an international terrorist group but affected policy or situations within the United States. How does the history of that terrorism group affect the United States through reference to the event selected?

Answer: Terrorism is unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate a government, the civilian population or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objective.  

Today, there are many terrorist groups found in different parts of the world and have different names but they all share the violence and terrorism. There is a terrorist affiliated group calls Boko Haram found in Nigeria (neighboring country of my origin Chad). Boko Haram, referred to themselves as (Islamic state west African province, and is an Islamic group based in Northern Nigeria, and they are active in Chad, Niger and Northern Cameroon.

The group was led by Abubakar Shekhou until 2016, then he was succeeded by Abu-Musab Al- Burnawi. The group had linked themselves to Al Qaeda until March 2015, they declared their allegiance to the Islamic state of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). Since Boko Haram terror and insurgence started in 2009, more than 20,000 killed and 2.3 million displaced from their homes including 250 little school girls.

In 2015, Terorrist group Boko Haram militants have carried out an attack on my origin home state Chad, where a suicide bombings carried outside a police headquarters and police academy killed 33 people and wonded over 100 others. The first at the police headquarters where motorcyclist blew himself up. The Second, at the police academy (involved two attacks at the same time). Chad is one of the main targets of Boko Haram because the Country is among the leading in terrorist fight in northern and Western Africa. 

In response, The Chadien government put raid at their bush and caves (killed hundreds and detained many more and the mission is going on.

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Business Management: Examine the history of any past present or projected future
Reference No:- TGS02250111

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