Paper Type:
Literature Review
No# of Pages:
1 pages (250 words)
Subject Area:
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No# of Sources Required:
The space used by retailers to engage with shoppers is often described in the literature as the servicescape. Bitner (1992). The challenge facing services businesses and organisations is one of creating an appropriate environment that addresses the needs and expectations of their respective target markets. This literature review should address the following issues:
(a) Examine the factors that have led to the growing importance of the servicescape as a means of seeking differentiation from competitors.
Resources to include are as follows:
Kotler, P. and Kartajaya, H. (2011) Marketing 3.0: Values-Driven Marketing
Krauss, M. (2011), Evolution of an Academic: Kotler on Marketing 3.0. Marketing News, vol.45, issue 1. p.12
Porter, M. and Kramer, M.R. (2011) Creating Shared Value
The complete Harvard Business Review article published in January/February 2011 is available in Business Source. Once connected to the database, search for the title of the article.
*Relevant literature on the servicescape, sensory marketing, experiential marketing, the use of theatre in services marketing should be included.