Unit 10 Discussion 2 - Future Impacts on Job Descriptions
Search the public administration and human resource management professional and peer-reviewed literature to find an article that address how social media and technology will impact future directions and best practices.
Share a synopsis of the article you found and a reflection on the potential benefits and possible barriers of social media and technology in developing job descriptions and evaluations within the profession.
Unit 10 - Future Trends and Demands in Public Sector - Human Resources
In the next decade, a tsunami of retirements will test your abilities in HRM in terms of maintaining the skills required by your organization to deliver services to the public (Hays, Kearney, & Coggburn, 2009).
In this final unit, you will examine the extent of the problem of retiring workers, examine strategies to reduce its effect on your organization, and develop a new understanding of the value of succession planning as it pertains to acquiring talent for your organization, not just through promotion, but acquisition.
Hays, S. W., Kearney, R. C., & Coggburn, J. D. (2009). Public human resource management: Problems and prospects (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: CQ Press..
To successfully complete this learning unit, you will be expected to:
1. Contextualize trends in public sector human resources with personnel management practices.
2. Apply practices and theories that help create more efficient personnel management practices in a public sector setting.
3. Demonstrate critical thinking and writing skills in the discussion of personnel management practices for a public sector organization.
Unit 10 Study 1- Readings
Use your Public Human Resource Management text to complete the following:
• Review Chapter 4, "Human Resource Management in the Federal Government During a Time of Instability." You will address the issue of the "retirement tsunami" in a discussion question later in this unit.
Use the Research Library to complete the following:
• Review Krausert, A. (2014). HRM systems for knowledge workers: Differences among top managers, middle managers, and professional employees. Human Resource Management, 53(1), 67-87.
• Read Lane, J. (2000). Public sector: Concepts, models and approaches (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Read Chapters 7, 10, and 12. You will reflect on this reading in a unit discussion.