Examine the current legal and regulatory requirements that

Assignment : (RA): Ethical Dilemma in Child Placement Scenario

The responsibilities of human services workers extend beyond providing direct care to clients to solve interpersonal problems, improve their access to basic needs, and offer support during difficult times in their lives.

Human services workers also have to consider the ethical, legal, and moral implications of their decisions in their everyday work.

In this assignment, you will read a scenario to analyze the ethical theories, identify legal and ethical options and issues, and recommend a proper course of action.


You are employed at a human services agency where a part of your duties includes finding temporary placement for three clients (children aged 5-12) over the holidays. You were unable to find placement for one of the children, a victim of sexual abuse.

The options available to you are to either leave the child at the agency or take him home with you.

Analyze the scenario above and in a 5-page report, identify the legal and ethical ramifications of your options, recommending a course of action. Make sure to complete the following:

• Examine the current legal and regulatory requirements that are present in this situation.

• Evaluate the legal, professional, and personal risks associated with both options.

• Explain the ethical implications of both options.

Identify and justify a specific course of action. Make sure to support your decision with references to specific ethical theories and frameworks.

Paper 2

Assignment 2: Ethical Dilemmas

Human services administrators have to be conscientious about the services being provided to clients by all of the providers in the agency.

This means that in addition to being familiar with the laws and rules of practice for each type of professional employed by the agency, the administrator may also have to assist direct services providers in identifying and resolving potential ethical dilemmas in their work.

Different agencies and administrators have their own approach for resolving ethical issues in different types of cases.
In this assignment, you will identify a personal approach for resolving ethical dilemmas in situations that you might face as an agency administrator in human services.


Using the resources available in professional literature, select your approach to resolve ethical dilemmas. Peer-reviewed journal articles, and websites created by professional organizations, agencies, or institutions (.edu, .org, or .gov).

Present your resolution in a 3-page paper.

Select your approach to resolving ethical dilemmas in the following situations:

• When providing direct services to clients (such as, counseling, teaching in an alternative school environment, case management) as the direct services provider.

• As an administrator responsible for oversight of direct services providers. Specifically, address ethical dilemmas faced by the direct services providers in working with their clients.

• When the agency faces ethical dilemmas resulting from unethical behavior by direct services providers.

Note: Choose your approach for each situation based on a model found in your assigned readings (e.g., social constructionist model, moral decision-based model) or from your own research. Additional models may include a standards-based model, principles-based model, virtues-based model, or a practice-based model.

Include a discussion about the personal values that would influence your decisions.

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Dissertation: Examine the current legal and regulatory requirements that
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