
Examine the biopsychosocial advantages of owning a pet

Assignment task:

My hypothesis is: Seniors who are pet owners during times of isolation may experience positive Biopsychosocial benefits.

Methods: Methodology: Research Design and Methods:

A correlational study design will be used for this study to test my hypothesis that seniors who are pet owners during times of isolation may experience positive biopsychosocial benefits. The independent variable in this study is pet ownership, while the dependent variable is the biopsychosocial benefits experienced by seniors during times of isolation. A cross-sectional survey will be used to gather data from a sizable sample. The survey will include questions about the participants feelings of loneliness, depression, and overall wellbeing.

The data collected from the questionnaire will be analyzed using statistical methods such as correlation and regression analyses (Bewick et al., 2003). These methods will be used to determine the relationship between pet ownership and biopsychosocial benefits in seniors during times of isolation. The results of the analysis will then be used to draw conclusions about the hypothesis.

Methods: Methodology: Research Participants:

A sizable sample size of senior adult pet owners and non-pet owners will serve as participants in the study. They will be randomly drawn from a convenient pool of individuals from a range of backgrounds and locations to ensure a true and balanced representation of the senior pet owner and non-pet owner populations. Efforts will be made to recruit participants from a variety of sources, such as senior centers, retirement communities, and local animal shelters to decrease bias.

Methods: Data Collection: Sampling Frame:

Using random sampling, this study will consist of both male and female senior pet owners and non-pet owners. The sample of 100 participants (n=100) will be split into two groups; Group A: 50 pet owners (n=50) and Group B: (n=50) 50 non-pet owners.

Methods: Data Collection: Instrument:

A survey that is meant to examine the biopsychosocial advantages of owning a pet during periods of isolation will be used as the instrument to collect data. Factors including the participant's age, gender, pet ownership position, and living situation, and will be measured along with questions surrounding physical and mental wellness. Additional questions surrounding social activities will be asked. The purpose of the survey is to quantify the biopsychosocial benefits of being a senior pet owner during times of isolation.

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Other Subject: Examine the biopsychosocial advantages of owning a pet
Reference No:- TGS03311820

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