
Examine how much assault against men is occurring in

Men are more likely to be a victim of assault than are women. Examine how much assault against men is occurring in Australia. Finally, apply two criminology theories as to why men assault other men

1. I need references of 15 or more that i have actually used in the study. which have to be 90% Australian based peer reviewed studies

2.. Graphs can not be used in the text, they must be converted into your own words and the graph needs to be placed at the bottom of the reference list as an attachment only.

3. APA style referencing and APA in text referencing must be used correctly

4. Must be in an Essay format not question format.

5. Avoid plagiarism everything must be directly in your own words no copy and pasting big sections of quotes always need to be referenced

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Dissertation: Examine how much assault against men is occurring in
Reference No:- TGS02376133

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