
Examine globalization of islam presents either opportunity


Purpose Statement of Research Paper -

The purpose of this research proposal is to examine whether globalization of Islam presents either opportunity or threat by considering how globalization may be approached, policy prescription options available, and the future versions to deal with it.


Banchoff, T. (Ed.). (2008). Religious pluralism, globalization, and world politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Baylis, J., Owens, P., & Smith, S. (Eds.). (2017). The globalization of world politics: An introduction to international relations. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Culpeper, R. (2005). Approaches to globalization and inequality within the international system. United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.

Held, D., & McGrew, A. G. (Eds.). (2007). Globalization Theory: Approaches and controversies (Vol. 4). Cambridge: Polity.

Keohane, R. O. (2002). The globalization of informal violence, theories of world politics, and the "liberalism of fear." Dialogue IO, 1(1), 29-43.

Nye Jr, J. S., & Welch, D. A. (2016). Understanding global conflict and cooperation: an introduction to theory and history. London: Pearson.

Owens, P. (2016). Globalization of world politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Smith, S., & Baylis, J. (2001). The globalization of world politics. New York.

This is the final paper assignment of the course. It must contain citations in formal style as well as a bibliography.

Length: 15 pages. The paper is the culmination of the work you started in the first two assignments. You can use the same sources you found for those assignments, plus all the additional ones you discovered in the course of your research. Here is the recommended way to structure the study:

Introduction: start the essay by introducing the topic. This section should spell out the problem or issue that you are setting out to explore, but also introduce the main finding or argument that you are going to support with your research. It is sometimes tempting to want to save the main argument or revelation until the end, but for a research paper it's important to share this right up front, so that the reader is immediately aware of what you're setting out to prove with your paper.

Background: not every essay needs a background, but if you want to provide one, place it right after the introduction. This section is largely descriptive, so keep it short to provide the key information needed to illuminate your topic. If you're exploring a historical background, cite from academic sources on history and use historians (avoid encyclopedias). If you're exploring the background on a debate or academic discourse, highlight the main authors/figures who represent the key points.

Findings and Analysis: here you provide the meat of your study -- this is the section that represents all the research you did. You can use subheadings to break things down into smaller sections as needed. These sections spell out the evidence and findings from your sources. Think of the content as "bricks" that are getting stacked up to support the main argument or point that you introduced in the introduction. The sources should be peer-reviewed and scholarly. You can mine your literature review and past feedback too for information that helps build this section strong.

Conclusion: wrap up your study with a conclusion that reiterates the main findings and signals any new questions or directions for study that emerged from your work. Any additional insights or ideas that you found can go here as well. As you've probably seen in academic publications, some authors also use the conclusion to highlight any problems or challenges of the essay, noting limitations that the paper did not resolve. This is a scholarly habit that can help the next round of research, but it's not necessary if your study is already pressing the 15-page mark. Reference list: finally, provide a list of all the sources cited in the paper. Only sources cited in the paper should go in the reference list. In Chicago/Turabian, the sources are listed alphabetically by author.

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Dissertation: Examine globalization of islam presents either opportunity
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