
Examine expressive elements within the photographic image

Assignment Objective: To examine a variety of formal and aesthetic concerns as expressive elements within the photographic image. The key is to come up with an original and convincingly researched response to your chosen theme to make a complete series.

Assignment Introduction: The previous assignments have introduced you to camera control and formalist elements for image construction within the frame. Each task has developed your ability to analyze content, review and critique. Assessment task 3 introduces you to concept development and series structure. Fostering these skills, you are to produce a self-directed thematic series based on your chosen theme, researching artists and techniques in the library. The aim is to produce a series of images in slide film that explores a cohesive theme that interests you. Utilize formal, conceptual and aesthetic strategies to create a series that when viewed in succession shows a linked and consistent theme.

Project proposal (Due week 9): A proposal is a guide of suggested ideas. You can discuss your initial ideas with your peers and seminar tutor to obtain feedback. It's expected that as you shoot for the assignment your initial planned idea can evolve and deepen as the shooting and research progresses.

You are required to write a brief proposal (approx. 500 words) for your project that uses the following subheadings as a guide:

The themes and concepts you wish to explore

Material and methods such as props, locations, lighting etc.

Research strategy - who, what and why will you be researching include well referenced images.

Schedule for working process

TIP: As good practice - start from your deadline and work backwards. Take into consideration film processing turn around, reshooting, access to cameras from MRC. Allow time for the unexpected.

Practical task (Due week 11): Based on your proposal, produce a series of images from your self-directed theme or you may wish to explore your interpretation of one of the thematic topics provided in the Week 7 Class. You must clearly establish your interpretation of the theme and produce a series of images accordingly. Your lecturer will introduce work by many practicing artists, which will help you to define your ideas and interests.

Once you have decided on your project you must be prepared to do some initial shooting and to review your results in seminars using the slide projector for feedback. The more organized you are the more feedback you can obtain.

Give consideration to the images: what do they say? How can they be improved?

Conducting research and maintaining a visual diary is an essential part of the creative process. Look at the work of other artists who have inspired you. Analyse what you like about their work conceptually and technically. Reflect on this in your visual diary. Drawings and photocopies of ideas and influences may also form part of your research documentation. (Please do not submit large quantities of these and also state why you consider these to be important).

Look for the unexpected and be prepared to let your work evolve. Be prepared to re-shoot and extend the work. Experiment. Explore. Take risks! As a rough guide, you are expected to shoot a minimum of 4 rolls of film. The reason you are expected to use a minimum of 4 rolls of film is that this assignment is about developing an idea that evolves and resolves as a considered body of final photographic artwork. To do this successfully it requires time, some ideas will not always work out as you perceived them on the first attempt.

Your final selection of slides must consider editing and the sequencing of the images. This will greatly enhance the final presentation.

500 Word Essay (Due Week 11): You are required to write a 500 word essay that reflects upon the concepts undertaken in this assessment task. This will require library research and correct referencing to Deakin Harvard standard. Your essay must reflect upon your conceptual development, artists and artwork that have inspired you and who relate to your project and its thematic development.

When drafting your essay consider the following points:

1. An introduction and outline of your interpretation of your chosen topic.

2. Brief outline of research and influences.

3. Any relevant technical aspects.

4. Why you think you have been successful or what you would change or develop further.

Your research can also include reference to a photographic exhibition.

The tutors associated with our Analogue Photography Assignment Help service didn't bother with the complexity of the topic and help students in the most précised manner, so that, they can accomplish their dream grades, without any trouble.

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Other Subject: Examine expressive elements within the photographic image
Reference No:- TGS03034208

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