1 Identify the steps involved in developing and advertising campaign.
2 Summarize key sales promotion techniques.
3 Examine the effects of B2C e-commerce on traditional retailing.
Developing and Advertising Campaign Resource:Analysis: GEICO television commercials try to appeal to wide audience/Audio File: Day to Day.
Listento the Audio File, Day to Day, by clicking on the Electronic Reserve Reading link located under Week 8 on the Materials page of the student website.
Describethe steps a company must consider when developing their own advertising campaign, keeping some of the key points of the story in mind. Your answer should be 200-300 words in length.
Marketing Concepts Activity Drafta 200- to 300-word response to the Marketing Concepts: Discussing Choices and Ethical Issues of Marketing: Real People, Real Choices.
Sales Promotion Techniques Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper summarizing the key sales promotion techniques that marketing firms direct toward trade and consumers. Include real-world examples to describe the following classifications of sales promotion techniques:
• Discounts and deals
• Increasing industry visibility
• Price-based consumer sales promotions
• Attention-getting consumer sales promotions
Formatyour paper consistent with APA guidelines.