Controversial Areas in Criminal Law
You submitted a Project topic (Option 1 or 2). Now, you can examine controversial areas in criminal law as a backdrop to your preparation for the final Project paper due in last week of the course.
1. Select one of the following topics for research. Note: you can generate your own selection as well but be sure that it is truly a controversial area in criminal law and not a well-settled doctrine. If you are unclear, ask your instructor before you begin working on this deliverable.
o treating status offenses as crimes
o hate crimes and proving mens rea
o cultural defenses
o euthanasia: crime or compassionate act?
o fraternity hazing: shared criminal liability or simply a bad choice?
2. Address why your chosen area of criminal law is controversial. Identify one case outside of your hypothetical case in Week 8 as it relates to this topic
• Your paper should be 2 to 3 pages in length and conform to APA format
• Include at least two scholarly references in addition to the course textbook.