
Examine association in exposure to radiation and thyroid

Problem: You conduct a study, across the United States, to examine the association between exposure to radiation and thyroid cancer by recruiting 300 study participants. Use the SPSS crosstab table below to calculate the risk ratio for the incidence of thyroid cancer in those exposed to radiation compared to the incidence of thyroid cancer in those unexposed to radiation in this study. Radiation * Thyroid Cancer Crosstabulation Thyroid Cancer Total Diseased Undiseased Diseased Radiation Exposed Count 55 95 150 % within Radiation 36.7% 63.3% 100.0% Unexposed Count 41 109 150 % within No Radiation 27.3% 72.7% 100.0% Total Count 96 204 300 % within Total 32.0% 68.0% 100.0%


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Biology: Examine association in exposure to radiation and thyroid
Reference No:- TGS03392719

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