Type of service: Writing
Work type: Essay (any type)
Academic level: College (3-4 years: Junior, Senior)
Subject or discipline: The UK Business Environment
Title: Examine and assess the role of the government in managing the UK economy
Number of sources: 8
Provide digital sources used: No
Paper format: Other: Harvard system of citation and referencing
# of pages: 5
Spacing: Double spaced
# of words: 1375
# of slides: ppt icon 0
Paper details: Marking Criteria: Marking criteria consists of:
• how far have you focused on the question asked and identified key concepts? (focus)
• how well have you chosen the arguments, and any relevant theory to relate to the question asked? (selection)
• how good is the quality of explanation?
• how well have you demonstrated consistency, coherence and purposeful analysis?
• how successfully have you used evidence?
• how well have you collected, processed, analysed and interpreted relevant data?
• how deep is the extent of critical evaluation?
• how well have you demonstrated knowledge of relevant literature?
Please refer to the marking assessment overview in the file of that name.