
Examine a specified social controversy


This assignment will examine a specified social controversy (Pros and Cons of providing IPADS or other electronic tools to toddlers and the affects they now have on the children in the childhood stage) affecting a particular life span developmental phase from within the following area: Childhood stage (average age is 7). Using the Social learning theory. There needs to be heavy content in the slides showing neutral academic explanations for how the overall theory and of development pertain to the controversy. This must me 8 slides APA style with

There also have to be relevant arguments for the other side of the controversy utilizing research points. Lastly there needs to be a culture and bias analysis of the presentation, by identifying how a societal trend has impacted the timing and nature of the controversy and then discussing the role that culture/ personal values and biases may have influenced both general social assessment decisions, my take on the issue and the class voting results. There should be 2-3 slides covering this part APA style

This is a debate presentation on PowerPoint. It should contain about 10-11 slides content slides Plus a reference slide. In APA format.

No need for speaker notes or pictures. $20

Must use this reference and 3 others

Hutchison, E. D. (). . 2017, California: Sage Publications Ltd.

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Other Subject: Examine a specified social controversy
Reference No:- TGS01941358

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