
Examination and processing of the crime scene


Examination and Processing of the Crime Scene


Joe stopped for a beer at the Turn-a-Round Lounge in Smalltown on his way home from work. He ran into his ex-girlfriend, Michelle, and her new boyfriend, Sam. Joe and Sam got involved in a heated confrontation, and bottles and fists started to fly. Sam pulled out a knife and stabbed Joe in the chest, nicking his aorta. Despite the bartender's attempts at CPR and putting pressure on the wound, Joe bled to death before the EMTs arrived.

When the fight began, there were 20 or so patrons in the lounge. When EMTs and police arrived on the scene, only two of the patrons and the bartender remained. Michelle and Sam were gone. The EMTs attempted CPR, but Joe was already dead. Two patrol officers secured the scene and detained the three remaining witnesses.

Upon examining the scene, police find three bloody footprints by the door where Michelle and Sam exited and tire tracks in the dirt parking lot where they made a hasty exit. Police obtain latent prints on a number of different surfaces using alternative light sources.

Police execute a search warrant at Michelle's residence and Joe's apartment. They find several threatening letters at Michelle's home that she claims were written by Joe.


Sam cut his finger when he stabbed Joe. Some of the blood from Sam's cut mixed with the blood on Joe's shirt. The Smalltown prosecutor has asked you to prepare a 3-5 page briefing for her that explains whether the lab can isolate Sam's DNA from Joe's and, if so, how that would be done. The prosecutor wants to prove that it is Sam's blood beyond an absolute certainty. Please explain whether or not this is possible and explain your reasoning. She has asked you to describe how the lab would process the evidence and what tests would be used. She specifically asked whether nuclear or mitochondrial DNA tests would be used and asked you to explain the difference. Reference all sources using APA style.

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Biology: Examination and processing of the crime scene
Reference No:- TGS01908129

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