
Evolutionary-psychological approaches in study of religion

Answer the following questions. The word limit is 500 words for each question.

Question1) Explain the nature and scope of social anthropology? Reflect on future perspectives of social anthropology.

Question2) Explain the concept of society and culture in anthropological perspective.

Question3) Discuss the premises of functionalism. Reflect on A.R Radcliffe-Brown and Malinowski’s contribution to functionalism in social anthropology.

Question4) Give an overview of Marxist anthropology.

Question5) Write short notes.

a) Social anthropology and Cultural studies

b) Social Movements and Identity

Question6) Reflect on contemporary kinship studies in the late 20th century.

Question7) Explain evolutionary and psychological approaches in study of religion.

Question8) Explain the various ways in which resolution of conflict takes place in societies.

Question9) Write brief notes.

a) Band and Tribe

b) Classificatory and Descriptive systems of Kinship.

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Other Subject: Evolutionary-psychological approaches in study of religion
Reference No:- TGS02693

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