
Evolution of consumers homes within digital modernity

Assignment task: Consumers and their homes under digital modernity

For this essay, you are asked to conduct an analysis of the evolution of consumers' homes within digital modernity. To do so, you must rely on the research papers and discussions from classes 9 and 10. You are free to choose the angle with which you want to approach the topic. However, it must be connected to what we discussed in class. Of course, you are also encouraged to use references outside of the reading list but you must not choose a topic that has not been discussed/approached. You may decide to focus on a niche/narrow question or a broader essay about homes and consumer culture under digital modernity.  a reliable, scientific case study essay. This means you must present a credible and persuasive argument based on published academic research. It is acceptable - or even good - to have an opinion of your own, but it must be backed up by evidence (other research papers, news articles, industry reports, etc.). You should not make any subjective or unsupportable claims in your essay, and the objective claims must be accompanied by citations/appropriate

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Reference No:- TGS03377957

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