
Evidence of validity ie content construct validity

Here is a link that take you to an article that was taken form a datapase. Unfortianetly I could not attached it as a document so I did it in this link. Please copy past this link and read the article that you will find. Then, please answer the 4 folowing questions from this article only.
This is the link to the article:


Here are the 4 questions that you have to answer:

1) Evidence of Validity (i.e. content, construct validity, criterion validity)

2) Evidence of Reliability (i.e. Test-retest, internal consistency, etc)

3) Discuss potential advantages and disadvantages of the assessment.

4) Provide support for why you would or would not use this assessment.

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HR Management: Evidence of validity ie content construct validity
Reference No:- TGS01365235

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