
Evidence-based science library research assignment -

Evidence-Based Science Library Research Assignment

As we have been learning since day one of this course, Biology is a science that is rooted in EVIDENCE. At the end of this course, you will be writing a 5-7 page research paper that explores a topic or issues related to microbiology. Your research may be based on a topic/issue addressed in class or one of your own interests.

In an analytical research paper, your goal is to become knowledgeable on a topic so that you can present the topic from Your own perspective. Often times you will begin by researching a specific topic that you have drawn no conclusions about. This might have first led to a research question, then a survey of current information to become familiar with the topic. Research will require critical thinking, reading, as well as rigorous evaluation of your sources. Critical thinking means not considering any view as "truth" simply because a source has been published or claims to be an expert. Research requires you to be objective and ask questions as you gather information. Demand the source to convince you of its authority.

The most important thing to remember when you begin a research project is: DON'T PANIC!!

For the first part of this assignment, you will simply be choosing a research topic! That sounds easier than it actually is. I want you to find something that genuinely interests you! This might take longer than the week that I have given you. You may initially find 3 or 4 topics that interest you. I have included a list of good science NEWS sites for you to read through for topics.

The second part of the assignment involves using the library and online research resources. The research librarian is a wonderful resource to help you find information on your topic. My door is also open to help you navigate the scientific literature. This is actually one of my favorite things to do. I hope you will also come to enjoy the process of scientific literature research. This skill will most certainly benefit you in other classes!

Format of the paper:

Title page - Title specific, appropriate, interesting, informative

Introduction: Background on the microorganism

Body: The body of the paper should include these points (these can be structures as paragraphs within the body of the text and include sub-headers):

1. Classification of the microorganism. Include its scientific classification (kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species) and whether it is a gram positive or negative.

2. SPECIAL NOTE: If your pathogen is a virus, you will have to describe its genome structure, whether it is enveloped, non-enveloped.

3. Metabolic strategy used (e.g. photoautotroph, chemoheterotroph). If your pathogen is a virus, you must include its mechanism for replication in host cells. (E.g. attachment, genome entry etc.)

4. Structure and physiology (e.g. coccus, bacillus...).

5. A micrograph of the organism.

6. Pathogenicity (how it infects its host). Include histological photographs of uninfected versus infected tissue.

7. Epidemiology (where it is found, how it is controlled).

8. Diseases associated with the microbe and symptoms with special emphasis on the cell types and tissues affected (e.g. squamous cells of respiratory mucous tissues).

9. Treatment with anti-microbials (note: not "folk remedies" as these are untested treatments for which there is little or no experimental evidence demonstrating efficacy). How do these anti-microbials work? What is the "mechanism of action?"

10. Historical considerations. Have there been notable outbreaks of the disease in the past? What else makes this particular pathogen interesting?

Conclusion: Summarize the microorganism addressed and major points

Literature Cited section: Begins a fresh page (Use APA format)

Appendix: Photocopies of the first page of each article for each of the papers cited. Other illustrations, with legends, that you wish to include.

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