

"Everyday Sociology"

Define sociology and list its three characteristics.

What is the difference between sociologists and psychologists?

Define the two categories of sociological research.

Is common sense beneficial to sociological investigation? Explain.

What are theoretical perspectives and what do they lead to?

Explain the beliefs of Auguste Comte.

Who was Karl Marx? Explain this theory

Define and explain the following terms: proletariat, false consciousness, and historical materialism.

Who was Emile Durkheim? Describe his beliefs. What perspective did he belong to?

Define the following terms: social solidarity, mechanical solidarity, and organic solidarity.

What is meant by the term collective conscience?

According to Max Weber, what is instrumental in shaping society? How does he differ from Karl Marx?

What perspective is George Herbert Mead associated with?

In a paragraph briefly explain the major points of each of the following perspective: structural functionalism, social conflict, and symbolic interactionalism.

Explain some of the different beliefs regarding kissing.
Are humans solitary or social? In your own words, explain your answer referring to the three basic facts.
Define culture.
What is material culture? Give some examples. How is technology important to culture?
What is nonmaterial culture and how do we benefit from it?
Define symbols and give some examples that are not listed in the book.
Do symbols hold the same meaning for all humans? Could the same symbol have different meanings? Explain and give examples.
Define language. How is it important? How does it limit?
What are values? Why is there value conflict?
Provide a definition for cultural lag. Give an example based on today's society.
Define the following terms: norms, folkways, mores, laws, and taboos.
List the positive and negative aspects of norms? Do the norms of society remain the same regardless of time or place? Explain.
What is the difference between ideal culture and real culture?
What are cultural universals? Why are they found in all societies?
Define Ethnocentrism and provide a current example of someone in your life who practices it. Can it be a good thing? Explain.
Provide a definition for the following: cultural diversity, cultural relativism, subculture, counterculture, and assimilation.
What is the difference between subcultures and countercultures? Identify the aspects associated with a counterculture. Where do the origins for subcultures come from?
How many major values did Robin Williams identify within U.S. society? How many categories? Name at least two values from each category. Which is the most important? Which was necessary for the creation and expansion of the nation?
This value allows for a positive outcome, which value and what is the outcome?
Why is America the most sexually restrictive country?
How was assimilation thought to benefit immigrants? What were the positive and negative effects of assimilation?
Define Eurocentrism. How did it occur?
What are the criticisms of multiculturalism?
Do structural functionalists believe values and culture to be beneficial to society? Explain.
On a psychological level, what does our culture provide us with?
How do structural functionalists and conflict theorists differ in their view of assimilation?
Based on the conflict perspective, how is culture formed and who benefits from it?
What does Marx mean by the term "false consciousness?" Does culture promote or limit freedom? Explain.

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Science: Everyday
Reference No:- TGS0814752

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