Explain the Socratic Proportion (Republic 1, etc) by analyzing the argument below.
What do you think of the argument? Do you find it powerful?
(1) Every kind of thing has a work that it alone can do or that it does better than anything else can.
(2) The excellence or virtue of a thing of any kind is that which makes it perform its work well.
(3) The work of the soul is living.
(4) Conclusion from (2) and (3): The virtue of the soul makes it live well.
(5) Justice is the virtue of the human soul.
(6) Conclusion from (4) and (5): The just live well.
(7) Conclusion from all the above: The just are happy – or only the just can hope to be happy.
(2) Explain the four scenarios of conscience. Why is the most dangerous scenario the second scenario?