
Event that caused the plunge into the business

Answer the questions:

You need to refer the course slides and “modules? to aswer the question. You must footnote all your sources somehow? Depth is rewarded.

Don’t wirte any introduction or conclusion. Just answer the questions.

Pick one from the list of entrepreneurs (below) to briefly research the start of their organization. Answer the following questions:

1. What were their available mean when they started their company?

2. Was there an event that caused the plunge into the business?

3. What was the problem they were trying to solve?

4. How did they apply the Lean Startup Model (next class)?

You must footnote all your sources somehow depth is rewarded.

List of Entrepreneurs:

1. Bill Gates -Microsoft

2. Sean Combs – Bad Boy Entertainment

3. Richard Branson – Virgin Group

4. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield ? Ben and Jerry?s ice Cream

5. Steve Jobs - Apple

6. Anita Roddick - The Body Shop

7. Oprah Winfrey - Harpo Entrainment

8. Elon Musk – Tesla

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Business Management: Event that caused the plunge into the business
Reference No:- TGS01437948

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