
Evaluative essay explaining how one of the normative

Write a critical, evaluative essay explaining how one of the normative theories discussed in the course would treat ONE of the issues listed below and arguing either for or against that treatment. You may, but need not, draw on other moral theories to indicate alternative ways of dealing with the issue(s) you discuss.
Suicide (assisted or unassisted)
Non-procreative sex
Relationship fidelity / polyamory
Treatment of non-human animals
(Dis)honesty in business / professional life
Civil disobedience
Under this option, you will almost certainly want to make use of at least some outside sources in order to include information relevant to the issue that you have chosen. Under this option too, however, your essay will be evaluated primarily on the quality of the argument you provide-as opposed to, say, the literary quality of your writing or the amount of scientific or historical detail that you have included. So, you should gather facts and information as needed to construct your 2 argument and, as with Option I, you may wish to consult some standard reference works in philosophy to make sure that you have understood the theory accurately. But you need not (and probably should not) end up reading and/or citing dozens of journal articles. To repeat yet again, your essay will be assessed primarily in terms of the quality of the argument that you provide. And that argument, to the greatest extent possible, should be your argument, in your own words and from your own point of view.

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Science: Evaluative essay explaining how one of the normative
Reference No:- TGS0927294

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