Economic Analysis
Deliverables: 10 to 12 pages double spaced paper- please use charts and graphs where appropriate. AND don't forget to include within text citations using MLA, or APA (preferable), Work Cited/Refs page at the end, and any appendices.
The Economic Analysis of the Country
There are two broad categories of information in this guideline: general economic data that serve as a basis for an evaluation of the economic soundness of a country, and information on channels of distribution and media availability.
Please use HEADINGS to separate the different sections as it makes the paper much easier to read. AND don't forget citations!
Specifically, for the Interview write-up, synthesize the conversation and responses to your questions into a few paragraphs. In an Appendix please include the questions and notes taken during the interview.
India research paper
Use APA format
1. Population
a) Total
i) Growth rates, Number of live births, Birth rates
b) Distribution of population
i) Age, Gender
ii) Geographic areas (urban suburban, and rural density and concentration)
iii) Ethnic groups
2. Developments in science and technology
a) Current technology available (computers, machinery, tools etc.)
b) Percentage of GNP invested in research and development
c) Technological skills of the labor force and general population
3. Channels of distribution
a) Retailers
i) Number of retailers, Typical size of retail outlets, Methods of operation (cash/credit), Scale of operation (large/small), Role of chain stores, department stores specialty shops
b) Warehousing- manufacturing