Evaluation of effectiveness of firms business level

I. Brief Company Description-

A. Brief firm mission, values

B. Brief firm history (emphasis on factors affecting firm strategic position) C. Identification of the industry and primary competitors D. Financial condition of the firm: Past, Present, Trends

1. Analysis of financial statements and performance

2. Firm financial performance relative to industry & competitors

II. External Analysis

A. General Environment analysis of the industry (technological change, demographic trends, etc.)

B. Five Environmental Threats Model evaluation of the industry (plus complementors where applicable)

C. Industry structure and associated Environmental Opportunities available to firms in the industry

III. Internal Analysis

A. Brief identification of the current generic business-level strategy(ies) of the firm (see chapters 4 and 5 in the text). Briefly justify business-level strategy identification with qualitative and/or quantitative evidence, e.g. mission statements, press releases, articles, financial data, as applicable.

B. Evaluation of effectiveness of firm's business level strategy

1. Identification and VRI analysis of firm important resources, capabilities, and sources or bases of firm's business-level strategy and evaluation of associated advantages, potential for sustained competitive advantages.

C. Brief discussion of firm's organizational fit to its business-level strategy

IV. Brief competitive evaluation & recommendations, based on the external and internal analyses

A. Key strategic issues (brief summary of most critical external and internal issues and associated threats and opportunities, that affect competitive advantage for the firm)

B. Brief recommendations & proposed actions

1. Specific, prioritized recommendations with arguments based on concepts and evidence, including how recommended actions make use of specific firm resources, capabilities, and advantages, withprojection of potential positive outcomes of recommendations.

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Strategic Management: Evaluation of effectiveness of firms business level
Reference No:- TGS01103334

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