
Evaluation of consumer directed care in aged care clearly

Assessment 1

Details: In Australia government funded aged care services are provided using a consumer directed care approach. This approach encourages consumers to direct they type of care they want and how they want the care delivered. This is a significant change as traditionally services were more provider directed. While service providers utilised a person centred approach to aged care, the change to consumer directed care has become a compulsory element of community and residential aged care services in Australia.

You are required to write a report that analyses the way that consumer directed care empowers and supports older people. Your analysis should include how consumer directed care in aged care can support older people to have more control over they receive. You can use headings in this report. The headings should be connected to what you are asked to cover. You can discuss the continuum of care in one county or internationally.

Report requires:

Criteria 1 - Evaluation of consumer directed care in aged care. Clearly and concisely evaluates the way that consumer directed care has been adopted in aged care.

Criteria 2 - Analysis Analyses the way that consumer directed care has empowered older people. Analysis includes positive and negative factors with consumer directed care. Clearly and concisely analyses the way that consumer directed care has empowered older people. Analysis includes a clear and concise discussion of positive and negative factors of primary health care

Criteria 3 - Academic writing Publishable standard that demonstrates scholarship in the construction and presentation of the report. Development of ideas extends beyond given question; and is well-developed, original and creative. Conventional spelling, grammar and punctuation with NO errors. Consistent APA style both in text and reference list with NO errors.

There is a word limit of 1500 words. Use your computer to total the number of words used in your assignment. However, do not include the reference list at the end of your assignment in the word count. In-text citations will be included in the additional 10% word count. If you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking at 1500 words plus 10%.

Resources: A report is structured differently to an essay. NO NEED OF INTRODUCTION AND CONCLUSION. When writing your report, it is important to plan and prepare effectively. It is recommended that you: - Use the marking criteria in this learning guide to help you prepare your report and stay on track with the assessment topic. - Prepare for your assessment. You should start preparing a draft of this report early

Reference your work using the APA 6th edition referencing guide. NEED TO HAVE 15 REFERENCES.

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Business Management: Evaluation of consumer directed care in aged care clearly
Reference No:- TGS02881615

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