
Evaluation of cell viability of leukemic cells

Assignment Title: Laboratory Report: Written practical report

Unit learning outcomes:

1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of clinical pharmacology, the clinical use of therapeutics for the treatment of a variety of human diseases, and the use of clinical pharmacology as a research tool.

2. Critically analyze and evaluate experimental data and scientific literature to understand current research advances in the area of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics: present and debate information clearly and effectively in the written form.

Assignment Part 1: Submit a report based on practical sessions in which they carried out experiments on "Evaluation of cell viability of leukemic cells using MTT assay".

Following the practical sessions you are expected to produce a laboratory report based on the practical sessions you carried out. The lab report should be structured like a research article in a scientific journal. The word limit of the report is 2500, excluding references.


1. Demonstrate the skills necessary to generate, analyze and present laboratory data obtained from a practical study in the area of clinical pharmacology and therapeutics Produce a written report in the form of a scientific paper that discusses and provides critical analysis of the results of the practical sessions according to expectations described in the assignment brief.

2. Select relevant scientific literature on a given research topic and clearly summarize in scientific English Produce a literature review report according to expectations described in the assignment brief.

3. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the underlying processes that govern therapeutic interventions for a variety of human diseases that impact the central nervous system, circulatory system, endocrine and metabolic system, including cancer, inflammation and infection

A typical report will include:

1. Introduction (including aims)

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. References

Evaluation of cell viability of a leukaemic cell line using MTT assay

Assignment Part 2: Treating Leukaemic cells

1. Calculate the amount of Cytarabine (Ara-C) to be added/well.

Stock: 1000uM

Total volume required: 5ml

2. Using sterile pipette tips add the drug solutions provided to the cell culture media as instructed.

3. Incubate cultures for overnight (approximately 24hours) at 37oC in tissue culture incubator.

The tutors associated with our Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Assignment Help service are highly skilled and competent and assist you in the most possible manner, so that, you can without trouble secure higher grades, as well as, save time and energy.

Tags: Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Assignment Help, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Homework Help, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Coursework, Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Solved Assignments, Leukaemic Cells Assignment Help, Leukaemic Cells Homework Help

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Other Subject: Evaluation of cell viability of leukemic cells
Reference No:- TGS03045699

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