
Evaluation of a colleague based upon interviews


Students will submit a written evaluation of a colleague based upon interviews, family genogram, family developmental history, SII, MBTI, NEO-PI-R, and other data accumulated during the course.   In addition to your interview content with the Biopsychosocial interview, summarize the information from your partner including Five of their chosen assessment tools they have provided you (self-care, etc. passed out in class).

This paper should be a polished document reflective of what you would submit in a client chart.  No diagnostic qualities should be inferred or noted in this document as it is based on your student peer.

Note approximately three potential behavioral treatment planning goals you might address if this was a client.

An example will be provided on the Course Site. This report should be approximately 3-5 pages. References are not necessary, but general APA style should be followed.

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Reference No:- TGS03442533

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