evaluation and disposition of misstatements and

Evaluation and Disposition of Misstatements, and the Effect on the Auditor’s Report:
Whenever the auditor verifies that, or is not capable to conclude whether, the financial statements are materially mis-stated as an outcome of fraud or error, the auditor must consider the allegation for the audit.

The auditor must document fraud risk factors recognized as being present during the auditor’s assessment procedure and document the auditor’s reaction to any such factors. When during the act of the audit, fraud risk factors are recognized which cause the auditor to consider that additional audit processes are essential, the auditor must document the existence of such risk factors and the auditor’s reply to them.

Whenever the auditor recognizes a misstatement resultant from fraud, or a suspected fraud, or error, the auditor must consider the auditor’s duty to communicate that information to management, those charged with supremacy and, in some conditions, to regulatory and enforcement authorities.

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Auditing: evaluation and disposition of misstatements and
Reference No:- TGS0178141

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