
Evaluating vendor proposals

Evaluation Criteria (2 pages):

Problem 1: Develop ten evaluation criteria you will use to evaluate vendor proposals.

Problem 2: Develop a weighting chart and methodology that assigns a weighted value to each criterion and describe your selection methodology in 2-3 paragraphs.

Review these scenarios:

Your boss owns 2,000 shares of stock of one of the vendors, his wife works for another vendor, and he is on the procurement selection committee for the project.

A third vendor in contention for this project has offered everyone on your team tickets to the hockey game this weekend in the company box with dinner included.

Your stock broker is recommending the purchase of a technology mutual fund that contains stock belonging to several of the vendors in contention.

In your opinion, are there any ethics violations in these three scenarios? For each scenario, is there a way to avoid the ethics conflict? What do you see as the legal ramifications of your alternatives on the effectiveness of the project? Will the alternatives positively or negatively affect the effort?

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Other Management: Evaluating vendor proposals
Reference No:- TGS01768163

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