
Evaluating individual performance


Please read the answers to these 2 questions and give me a response to these answers.

1. Propose two approaches that a company can use to leverage a 360-degree performance appraisal system to evaluate individual performance. Support your answer with examples.

Two approaches that a company can use to leverage a 360 degree performance appraisal system to evaluate individual performance are benefits and considerations. As for benefits, the 360 degree feedback process collects data from multiple perspectives rather than just the direct supervisor as with traditional methods. The process is customer focused and defines customers as outside the company and internal, such as a person in another department with who the manager interacts frequently. When implemented properly, the process delivers direct, honest feedback to the manager. By reviewing the perceptions of others, he can see more clearly the effect his behaviors and attitudes have on others. As for considerations, employees must accept the feedback process as fair and accurate for it to work properly and successfully. The process should fit into the organizational culture; it works best for businesses where employees regularly collaborate or work in teams. Survey questions should focus on relevant job performance criteria. To encourage employee acceptance, organizations should run an informational campaign emphazing the benefits, fairness and accuracy of the system.

2. Determine two examples of possible repercussions of not providing employees with performance feedback in a timely manner. Justify your response.

Two examples of possible repercussions of not providing employees with performance feedback in a timely manner are timeliness and specificity. Employees should receive information about how their doing in a timely manner. If improvement needs to be made in their performance, the sooner they find out about it the sooner they can correct the problem. If employees have reached or exceeded a goal, the sooner they receive positive feedback, the more rewarding it is to them. In regards to specificity, feedback works best when it relates to a specific goal. Establishing employee performance expectations and goals before work begins is the key to providing tangible, objective and powerful feedback. Telling employees that they are doing well because they exceeded their goal by 10% is more effective than simply saying "you're doing a good job."

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Business Management: Evaluating individual performance
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